Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Babies 2010 the movie

Babies is a truly wonderful movie, executed perfectly touching the essence of human nature in different cultures. We as a family have enjoyed the movie and highly recommend it to all.

The movie is directed by Thomas Balmes and produced by Canal+. The story looks at one year in the life of four babies from around the world, from Mongolia to Namibia to San Francisco to Tokyo.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ready or Not Here I Come

I would be lying to you if I said I'm not panicking but I'm holding things together. Everyone seems worried hehe I bet their stomachs are having a roller coaster.
Now Bader seems to find his mom mini womb uncomfy for him, he keeps kicking, fisting, maybe head knocking, thus, wifey is having light contraction pains called Braxton Hicks.
Inshallah the whole process goes smoothly and now it seems as though it will be 1 week to go.
Well ready or not he is coming now or later ... Naughty Bader.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Premier League Football 2011/12

Today is the kick off of the English Premier League 2011/12 and the first game for Liverpool.
I'm having difficulties watching the game though, I hate Abu Dhabi Sports Channels, my wife is back to complaining about the football games, and she keeps on making jokes on my team and Bader's team Liverpool.
Inshallah from next year my baby will be a fan of Liverpool and he will start of with this kit, and as we grow older, me and him will lay back and watch all Liverpool games.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Today our baby is all developed and grown up inside my wife's womb, we have no idea how he will look like but we have an idea that he is a tiny cute and he has a cushcush nose ;p other than that he definitely did not get my big head.

Could he look like me or Sumay ... inshallah he'll have both our looks and as cute as an angel. 

One thing i know for sure is that he will be the most beautiful baby in our eyes, regardless what ever people think.

Inshallah the delivery goes smoothly, baby is healthy and above all wifey feeling good about her self and in good health :*

Love you both Om Bader and El Bedri ;p

The Time Has Come

1 2 Check 1 2 3 Check ... its working fine now.

It has been a while since i first started blogging, it lasted for 6 months in 2003. By then i just couldn't find a motive for me to start any.

But the time has come for me to start a new blog, a new concept and a new reason. I am blessed to marry my beautiful and loving wife Om Bader :* she's my soulmate and my love.

The year 2012, started with THE NEWS, wifey told me she's pregnant and i crumbled and did not know what to do (from the joy ofcourse) and ever since the journy has started, emotional months passed, love kept things strong and the baby growing was weird and cute. Wifey has a balloon now hehe which is cute and the baby is almost ready to pop out anytime now.

Thus i created this blog for my baby boy Bader, i will be updating the blog with hopefuly a picture and an action of the day.

P.S: Dedicated "To My Unborn Child"